The music of Mahto & The Loose Balloons reveals intense personal expression through “Knock Knock It’s The Loose Balloons”. The opening track, “1300”, establishes the album’s raw sound with its live recording vibes. The song “Lockbox” follows with an urgent feel while “Promised Land” brings a more relaxed tempo that allows listeners to pause and contemplate. “Virginia Side” emerges as an outstanding moment through its narrative of friendship and musical creativity. The bare-bones recording transports you to the music as it develops before you.

The tracks “Hollow” and “Strawberries” create introspective moments through their seamless fusion of folk and rock elements. “Loki” demonstrates Mahto’s musical talent brilliantly while presenting an intensely personal and immersive listening experience. The track “Silver Fish” delivers a mesmerizing blend of narrative and instrumental depth. The phone-recorded track “Sally” brings a personal lo-fi experience to the album which enhances its scrapbook-like collection of life moments.
The album concludes with “131” maintaining consistency, but “Jawbone” introduces a distinct texture, which appears to be the most experimental track. The song “Vultures” concludes the album by reflecting on themes of home and personal struggle. The album doesn’t reach perfection in polish but this lack of refinement breathes life into it. The music takes shape spontaneously to capture Mahto’s life experiences and its raw honesty distinguishes it.
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