A Preview of Mozart’s Così fan Tutte at the Edinburgh International Festival

On Saturday, August 10th, the Edinburgh International Festival will feature a semi-staged performance of Mozart’s beloved, yet enigmatic opera, Così fan Tutte, at the Usher Hall. Given the high-caliber cast and exceptional musical offerings, this promises to be one of the standout concerts of the festival, and I highly recommend securing a ticket! Premiered on January 26, 1790, at Vienna’s Burgtheater, *Così fan Tutte* was Mozart’s final collaboration with the talented Italian librettist Lorenzo da Ponte, who also worked on Le Nozze di Figaro and Don Giovanni. While not as politically provocative as *Figaro*, the opera faced criticism in Victorian times for its perceived immorality and was seldom performed. It saw a revival in the late 20th century and has been celebrated for its exquisite music, though its premise—that all women are fickle and shallow—has made staging it increasingly challenging. The opera’s Italian title, *Così fan Tutte*, translates to “All Women Do This,” highlighting its deeply problematic view of women. Despite this, the music remains a high point of classical perfection, representing the culmination of Mozart and Da Ponte’s collaboration. I’ve had the pleasure of performing all three operas in various esteemed venues, including Aix-en-Provence and La Monnaie in Brussels for *Figaro*, and Bermuda for *Così*. While *Figaro* remains my personal favorite, *Così* features some sublime moments, such as the heavenly trio “Soave sia il vento” and Ferrando’s glorious aria “Un’aura amorosa.”

Mozart’s Così

At the Usher Hall, we’ll be treated to a remarkable performance. Josh Lovell, a former colleague of mine, will be performing as Ferrando. I first met Josh in Victoria, BC, in 2013 when he was a music student, and since then, he has garnered acclaim worldwide, including winning the prestigious International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition in Vienna in 2021. He’s performed extensively at the Wiener Staatsoper and is coming to Edinburgh straight from the Salzburg Festival. Joining him is the talented British baritone Huw Montague Rendall, who is making waves in the opera world. Huw’s debut recording, *Contemplation*, will be released soon after the Edinburgh Festival. I’ve had the pleasure of working with his parents, and Huw’s impressive roles across Europe make him one to watch. Christopher Maltman will take on the role of Don Alfonso, a character I’ve portrayed myself. Although I once enjoyed this role, over time, I found Don Alfonso’s cynicism increasingly difficult to bear. His manipulative schemes and contempt for the young lovers make him a challenging character to appreciate, though Maltman’s performance promises to be excellent. The cast also includes Hera Hyesang Park as Despina, Golda Schultz as Fiordiligi, and Angela Brower as Dorabella. Park, a South Korean soprano, is a rising star with a recent solo album release. Brower, an American mezzo, is known for her trouser roles and won the Munich Festival Prize for her portrayal of Dorabella. Schultz, a South African soprano, is noted for her performances at the Staatsoper in Munich. Così fan Tutte follows the comedic but implausible plot of two soldiers, Guglielmo and Ferrando, who, after making a bet with the scheming Don Alfonso, disguise themselves as Albanians to test their fiancées’ fidelity. The resulting antics and disguises create humorous situations, but the opera’s resolution, while musically joyous, leaves the women in disillusionment. Despite the frivolous plot, Mozart’s music delivers profound emotional depth, exploring themes of love and betrayal with exceptional artistry. Maxim Emelyanychev, the principal conductor of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, will lead the performance with his usual dynamism. Tickets for this performance are still available. With a stellar cast and exceptional music, this is likely to be one of the festival’s highlights. For an early treat, join me at the New Town Church at 2:30 pm on August 10th for a concert featuring operatic delights, including a duet from *Così*. The concert will conclude by 4:30 pm, leaving ample time to reach the Usher Hall for the evening performance. Don’t miss either event!

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